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Scientific online platform for publishing articles and abstracts
Conference archive
Proceedings of the 50th International Scientific Conference
"Modern scientific challenge and trends" (Poland)
Proceedings of the 72th International Scientific Conference
"Actual challenges of modern science" (Ukraine)
Proceedings of the 51th International Scientific Conference
"Modern scientific challenge and trends" (Poland)
Proceedings of the 73th International Scientific Conference"Actual challenges of modern science" (Ukraine)
Proceedings of the 52th International Scientific Conference"Modern scientific challenge and trends" (Poland)
Proceedings of the 74th International Scientific Conference"Actual challenges of modern science" (Ukraine)
Proceedings of the 53th International Scientific Conference"Modern scientific challenge and trends" (Poland)
Proceedings of the 54th International Scientific Conference"Modern scientific challenge and trends" (Poland)
Proceedings of the 75th International Scientific Conference"Actual challenges of modern science" (Ukraine)
Proceedings of the 55th International Scientific Conference"Modern scientific challenge and trends" (Poland)
Proceedings of the 76th International Scientific Conference"Actual challenges of modern science" (Ukraine)
Proceedings of the 56th International Scientific Conference"Modern scientific challenge and trends" (Poland)
Proceedings of the 78th International Scientific Conference"Actual challenges of modern science" (Ukraine)
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